In an effort to keep our Fayetteville Public Schools family informed, here is the latest information we have regarding COVID-19 in our schools:
Fayetteville Public Schools has been notified that four of our students have tested positive for COVID-19. However, none of the four students has been on campus since the start of the school year on August 24.
There are currently sixteen students who are in quarantine for either having been exposed to a positive case or awaiting test results. Only five of those students have been on campus since the start of the school year.
Additionally, six FPS staff members are in quarantine for either having been exposed to a positive case or awaiting test results. None of the six staff members have been on campus since the start of the school year.
We will keep you informed as information becomes available. The district’s response and communication plan regarding COVID-19 is available in the FPS Guide to Reopening.